Surgeries, Bladders and Peanuts, Oh My!

I took Katy to see her urologist this week for her final follow-up after her March 31 surgery for reflux. Thankfully, everything seems to be functioning correctly – for now. So, no more tests involving filling Katy’s bladder with 3 liters of liquid and x-raying her for a while at least. (Thank God.)

But there’s another surgery on the horizon now. As you’ve heard me talk about, we’re still trying to decide what procedure we’re going to do on Katy’s right leg/ankle. We meet tomorrow again with the doctors at Shriner’s in a meeting I requested to go over my reservations. I’ve changed a lot in Katy’s five and a half year’s on this earth, but probably no more drastic difference can be found than in the way I deal with doctors now. Simply put, my trust that doctors automatically know what’s best for my child disappeared a long time ago. We’ve gotten five opinions on this issue – every one had something different to say. So now, I go back and do it all over again until I can at least satisfy my terrified parental brain that I’ve done pretty much everything I can to make the best choice possible for Katy. The problem is this: I know more about my child’s condition than any doctor does at this point. If I won’t take the time to make sure this is right (or as right as it can be), who is? So, one more time to Shriner’s and we’ll see what procedure we’ll decide on.

We’ve covered the surgeries and the bladder. What the heck do peanuts have to do with anything? Well, I walked into Katy’s room a few nights ago after I was getting her medicine ready and I found her rolling back and forth over her peanut therapy ball. This was a new one for me. I have no idea if they’ve been working on something like this in school or not. Either way, it’s wonderful to see her being active on her own without a therapist directing her to do something.

Take a look:

One thought on “Surgeries, Bladders and Peanuts, Oh My!

  1. That’s great! I love that she is doing “therapy” on her own! It’s also nice to hear that you have learned to deal with Dr’s differently and really advocate for Katy! I’ve found that I’ve already changed a lot in 4 months in how vocal I am and I’m learning to express my fears and reservations and get as much information as possible before making decisions. I think during Parker’s last hospitalization I drove everyone crazy with all my questions. I joke that is the reason they discharged him as soon as they did after surgery – to get rid of me! :o) Anyway, you are great parents and I know that you will make the right decision for Katy no matter what!

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